Monday, April 25, 2011

An ordinary day that turned to an extraordinary day!

April 21 seemed to be just like any other day. I woke up (after having a dream about getting a very beautiful ring), went to class, took a little nap. You know, no big deal. Then I got a call from Eric asking if he could come see me. Of course I said yes because I hadn't seen him all day. We had planned a date with some friends for the night so I thought he was just coming over to hang out before we went over to our friends place. When he got here he told me he had a romantic surprise for me, because the night before we were debating if he is romantic or not. So he drove me to this trail above a park in Pocatello and we went for a little walk. As we were walking there were roses along the trail with inside jokes and little notes attached to them. I was beginning to realize what was going on especially by the HUGE grin on his face. He was not fooling me. I have never seen him smile like that EVER. It was hilarious. The last rose was sitting on a bench, I was reading what it said then when I turned around and Eric was down on one knee with a little black box in his hand :). He asked if I would marry him and of course I said yes!
  Then we danced to our song... He did very well! I was not expecting it at all and let me tell you that was a great surprise! :) We are getting hitched on July 30th in the Boise temple and we cannot wait!!! It is going to be a long summer for the two of us because I will be living in Boise working and planning the wedding while he is in Idaho Falls for an internship. We just keep telling ourselves only 3 more months. It won't be too bad right??  We will see each other on the weekends so I think it will be alright. But that is the exciting engagement story!

Monday, April 11, 2011

A little update on my life these days!

So I decided I would join the blogging world! It's a little bit confusing but I'm sure i will figure it out after playing on it for a couple hours. Haha It seems like a productive way to procrastinate all of my homework. :)

Anyways, life for me is going absolutely great! I'm at Idaho State University, in Pocatello for those of you who have never heard of the place, and I really love it. I'm finishing up my first year and I'm so happy I decided to come here. It has been a great change for me. I have meet some really great people and love being on my own. Although I will be heading back to Boise to live at home in 4 weeks, which will be an interesting adjustment for me and my parents I'm sure. I came here to study elementary education but wasn't sure that was the perfect fit for me. When one day I was talking to my dad and had the epiphany that I would be a P.E teacher! I can't wait! I mean is there anything more fitting than that?? I sure don't think so. :) I get to start my P.E. classes next fall, it will be great!
On the social side of life, things are great too. I fit right in when I moved here. Mind you I did not know a single person in Poky besides my grandparents. So I would say things are great. The first day was rough but the next day I went to church and met a lot of people and it has been a blast since. I met my best friend here, Miss Alexis Weaver! We have so much fun and we are always there for one another. We have become very close ever since Christmas break because we spend about three days in our pajamas watching movies and eating way too much junk food. What great bonding!! 

I met my other best friend last November, Mister Eric Story. We went on our first date shortly after Thanksgiving break and things have been amazing since. We never fail to have a good time! All winter we were major ski bums and spent a lot of our weekends and some days after school on the hill.
 (the perk of dating Eric is the free season pass because he works there :) ). He has been snowboarding for about 12 years and last season decided to take up skiing too. I have been trying to convert him ever since I met him. It's going to be a battle but I'm working my hardest. Let's just say he skiied a whole lot more than boarded this year. He says he just wants to get better but I say it's because he is whipped! Haha The rest of the week we spend our time sitting next to each other doing our lame homework. But hey that's bonding right?? haha He is graduating in a month with his Accounting degree and then will finish up his CIS degree next fall. ( I know what a nerd, he knows it and I constantly give him a hard time for it). Things are going great for us and I'm always looking forward to what the next day will hold! He is an incredible person and I am blessed to know him and have him in my life!