Thursday, December 8, 2011

Finals, moving and possibly pulling my hair out.

Less than one week till i am done with all my classes.... crap?? Yes possibly, and of course I could be doing something much more productive than blogging but I am taking a little study break. Im completely finished with 3 classes almost finished with 2... and then there is anatomy. The bain of my existence. I found out that i can raise my B to an A in extra credit and I think it is going to kill me. Good thing i have Christmas music and study snacks to get me through it. 
Also in 9 days we are moving out of our apartment. So we have tried to get a head start on packing, it is only taking up space, in our tiny apartment we already don't have.

Things are getting crazy in the Story house. My parents are coming to my concert next friday (which choir is taking up about 20 hours of my life during dead week and finals week... who does that???) and we are sending a bunch of stuff with them. And they will be hopefully moving it into our house. Which we are also very stoked about. Then we will be living with eric's parents for a couple days till we head down to Utah for our honeymoon till the 22. Then we will have Christmas with the in law's and then we will make our way to Boise on the 23rd. After Chirstmas we will move into the house and try and get settled before Eric starts his big boy job and i start school. Will life ever slow down?.... Probably not! :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Traveling and more traveling!

     So in the last two months we have traveled SO much! You know most people look forward to a vacation but I am getting worn out! Since October we have been to Boise 3 times, Island Falls. Can you say WOW?! No we are heading to Sun Valley for the week and then on our we back ( totally doesn't make sense) we are going to Boise and then back to poky. Needless to say I am thoroughly sick of the car. We are going to Boise to look at another house that we may live in for a couple years. All this house stuff is crazy and exhausting. We have 35 days before we move and like 45 till we need a place to live. We are running out of time and we don't know what we are going to do in the slightest. Oh well I guess. It's good that my parents will let us crash for awhile. 
     Also Thanksgiving will be my first holiday without my family. I is going to be weird. Every family has their traditions and now I have to learn some new ones. Could be interesting. But off to Sun Valley... once I pack and get ready for the day that it!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving all! :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Boise Bound for good!

Thursday Nov, 3 2011
     Eric got a very exciting phone call! After not hearing from the companies he had been interviewing with we had begun to get discouraged and were planning for Idaho Falls, like i said in my last post. So Eric had just gotten home when his phone rang and by the way he answered it i could tell he did not know the number. (Lately that has been a good thing!) Then he looks at me with a big excited grin because he is talking with a partner at a firm called Eide Bailey. I made sure I was close enough to hear the whole conversations. He kinda talks with him and then says thats not why i am calling, i was calling to offer you a job. We both get giant grins on our faces. He gets off the phone and we are jumping up and down like children at chuckee cheese! But what a GREAT feeling! We had already discussed if he got an offer we would definitely take it not the question was when. Eric has been committed to an internship in Idaho Falls for almost a year, Eide Bailey asked if he could start in January. This caused an issue. Of course they would take him in the summer but they asked him to come in January. We were very torn. That night he called the partner in IF and asked if he could come talk to him about the situation. We talked about the pros and cons a lot that night but there wasn't much we could do but try and go to sleep.

Friday Nov, 4 2011
    We head up to IF with Eric's parents for the day. We drop Eric off at the office to talk with the partner there about everything. The longest hour of my life goes by and I go pick him up. When we start to talk about it i realize my worst nightmare has come true. Eric was leaning towards IF. And yes it is only 4 months of our lives but i want to be in Boise so bad! But i know i need to support him in his decision because i know he will do whats best for his career and us as a family. We head back home and this is all we can think about. 

Saturday Nov 5 2011
     We drive to Boise for Brogan's baby blessing and i tell Eric to be prepared for everyone the tell him Boise is the best option. There were a couple remarks here and there but it wasn't too bad. We start talking about the Boise option a little more ( which i don't get me hopes up for because this is Eric and he flip flops A LOT!)  and so i start to look into transferring but realize there is no way I will get the classes i need because they already started their registration the beginning of that week. What i decided to do was just take online classes through ISU for the semester. My plan was working. 

Sunday Nov 6 2011
     Once again lots of flip flopping but i think i have him looking towards Boise a little more. 

Monday Nov 7 2011 
     The day we have to make a choice and tell both firms. It is 6 pm before Eric talks to either. He first talks to IF and the partner tells him that he no longer has a n obligations to them anymore because he understands that Boise is better for our family. Eric was very relieved by that because he did not want to go back on his word with IF. Then he calls his parents to get there advice, and they tell him if he doesn't have an obligation why not start his career. He gets off the phone and says lets do it. Are you serious?!?!  YAAAAY!!! He then calls Eide Bailey.... then don't answer. 9:40 pm they call back and Eric accepts the job for January 9th! SO EXCITED! We cannot wait!

Tuesday Nov 8 2011
     In the morning i was looking at apartments out of curiosity. Finding out prices and that kind of thing. I get home later that night and I thought Eric was doing the same. False, his parents sent him a link to a home they want us to go in on with them.... WHAT!?! 
1762 E Territory, Meridian, ID 83646 1762 E Territory, Meridian, ID 83646
Beautiful home, on the market for 139,000 when it started at 175,000. Steal of a deal. They would put the down payment and we would pay for the rest. Its kind of risky idea but could be way good for us when we go to sell in 5 or 6 years. Life is CRAZY these days! I swear... we weren't planning on buying a home till we have little ones running around. Growing up is nuts. i sure have learned a lot about equity and short sales in the last couple days. And i bet there is only more to learn. So there is our crazy weeks and a half in a nutshell!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Unexpected experiences

As most of you know Eric as recently been interviewing with accounting firms in Boise. He got second round interviews that seemed to go well but still no job offers. We were both getting very excited about a new adventure in boise and now things aren't looking so good. And you know of course I am bummed a little bit because boise is the best place ever and i would be so happy to be there and raise our family there, but when it comes down to it i realize we are so very blessed and fortunate to already have a job waiting for us in Idaho Falls. It may not be what we had in mind but i know that someone looking out for us and knows what is best for our future and im ok with it. so after all of this have learned...

1. Dont get your hopes up.
2. Be optimistic
3. Look forward to new adventures
4. Remember to always be grateful for what you do have at the moment.

So Idaho Falls, get ready... The Story's are comin :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Eric's Worst Nightmare.

So yesterday was any other morning, as eric and i got ready for school and work. I was of course eating a cookie at breakfast time, who doesnt eat cookies for breakfast right??? when all of a sudden i start choking. Like not just your average choking were you hack up a lung over a sip of water. It was the real deal. I couldn't breath and eric was brushing his teeth asking me if i was alright when i gave him the help me look and he runs over to me and gives me the heimlich. Probably only lasted all of 30 seconds but man it was kinda scary. All day, "Cloey dont do that ever again... I really didnt like that. Can we never do that again?" Needless to say the hubby wasnt a fan. He said i can no longer eat cookies out of his presence. Yeah right... they are wayyy to good for that.

On a lighter note we are in boise all weekend. The trees are beautiful, the weather is warmer than poky and eric is at his 7 hour interview. Oh and BSU is looking up. Lucky me I get to be a true bronco come next fall! Also we will be back on wednesday for another interview. Lots of driving but great company.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Babies.... EVERYWHERE!

Is it just me or is everyone prego?! It is kinda freaking me out. It seems like everyone my age and everyone who just got married within the last 6 months is expecting. I am slightly freaking out because i desperately don't want that to be us yet. Yes, I cannot wait to be a mother and to experience all of that but man... I can TOTALLY wait! haha I am not ready to have serious responsibilities. I want to finish school I want Eric to have a stable job. Please do your job drugs!!! But of course if it happened i wouldnt regret it or be upset. I will love to be a mother no matter when it comes!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Feeling like a wife

Tonight was one of the first times I felt like a wife/ homemaker... and the sad part is i didn't even do much. I guess it's about time i step up my game.

But Eric and i got home from school took a little nap and then he started studying. ( which by the way is my arch nemesis). Eric is currently studying for the CPA exam. I think he is nuts because it has got to be one of the hardest exams on this planet. There are four sections and each are 4 hour long tests. Fun?? I think not. Pretty much these tests consume my husband for about 4 to 6 hours a day. As much as i hate it, i do my very best to be supportive and help him get all the studying he need.

 So as he is studying i decide to make him dinner. He said he wanted rice, so i went with it. I marinated chicken in italian dressing then sautéed cilantro, green onions and mushrooms with the chicken and put it over a bed of rice. And we had premade crescents with homemade jam.... no i am not that good yet. maybe someday. Needless to say I was quite proud of my random creation. It was pretty good. 

Then when it was time to do dishes Eric insisted that he do them but i told him i wanted him to go right back and study. What a good wife right? haha Then it was off to the grocery store. So i guess this being a wife thing isn't so bad!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Married Life

So Eric and I got married at the end of July and it has been great ever since.
We live in a little studio apartment where the only place to go is the bathroom. We have no storage and we probably look like class A hoarders. But to say the least it is great! We have such a fun time together. After being apart all summer seeing the love of my life everyday is like a giant bowl of ice cream... yeah weird analogy i have just had ice cream on my mind all night... We are living in Pocatello ID for the time being. Eric is done with school at the end of the semester and in January he has an intern ship in Idaho Falls with an accounting firm so we will be moving there. I will be commuting to poky for school for the semester.

Our most current adventure is Eric's job interviews for firms in BOISE! Of course i am more than happy to move back to the best place on this planet but only time will tell. He has had 2 first round interviews and just got a second round interview. We are still waiting for 2 other firms to have their first round interviews. It is just a waiting game and there is a part of me that likes the unknown but also i CANNOT wait till we know exactly where we will be in a year. And this is when  the line "patience is a virtue" comes in. :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

An ordinary day that turned to an extraordinary day!

April 21 seemed to be just like any other day. I woke up (after having a dream about getting a very beautiful ring), went to class, took a little nap. You know, no big deal. Then I got a call from Eric asking if he could come see me. Of course I said yes because I hadn't seen him all day. We had planned a date with some friends for the night so I thought he was just coming over to hang out before we went over to our friends place. When he got here he told me he had a romantic surprise for me, because the night before we were debating if he is romantic or not. So he drove me to this trail above a park in Pocatello and we went for a little walk. As we were walking there were roses along the trail with inside jokes and little notes attached to them. I was beginning to realize what was going on especially by the HUGE grin on his face. He was not fooling me. I have never seen him smile like that EVER. It was hilarious. The last rose was sitting on a bench, I was reading what it said then when I turned around and Eric was down on one knee with a little black box in his hand :). He asked if I would marry him and of course I said yes!
  Then we danced to our song... He did very well! I was not expecting it at all and let me tell you that was a great surprise! :) We are getting hitched on July 30th in the Boise temple and we cannot wait!!! It is going to be a long summer for the two of us because I will be living in Boise working and planning the wedding while he is in Idaho Falls for an internship. We just keep telling ourselves only 3 more months. It won't be too bad right??  We will see each other on the weekends so I think it will be alright. But that is the exciting engagement story!

Monday, April 11, 2011

A little update on my life these days!

So I decided I would join the blogging world! It's a little bit confusing but I'm sure i will figure it out after playing on it for a couple hours. Haha It seems like a productive way to procrastinate all of my homework. :)

Anyways, life for me is going absolutely great! I'm at Idaho State University, in Pocatello for those of you who have never heard of the place, and I really love it. I'm finishing up my first year and I'm so happy I decided to come here. It has been a great change for me. I have meet some really great people and love being on my own. Although I will be heading back to Boise to live at home in 4 weeks, which will be an interesting adjustment for me and my parents I'm sure. I came here to study elementary education but wasn't sure that was the perfect fit for me. When one day I was talking to my dad and had the epiphany that I would be a P.E teacher! I can't wait! I mean is there anything more fitting than that?? I sure don't think so. :) I get to start my P.E. classes next fall, it will be great!
On the social side of life, things are great too. I fit right in when I moved here. Mind you I did not know a single person in Poky besides my grandparents. So I would say things are great. The first day was rough but the next day I went to church and met a lot of people and it has been a blast since. I met my best friend here, Miss Alexis Weaver! We have so much fun and we are always there for one another. We have become very close ever since Christmas break because we spend about three days in our pajamas watching movies and eating way too much junk food. What great bonding!! 

I met my other best friend last November, Mister Eric Story. We went on our first date shortly after Thanksgiving break and things have been amazing since. We never fail to have a good time! All winter we were major ski bums and spent a lot of our weekends and some days after school on the hill.
 (the perk of dating Eric is the free season pass because he works there :) ). He has been snowboarding for about 12 years and last season decided to take up skiing too. I have been trying to convert him ever since I met him. It's going to be a battle but I'm working my hardest. Let's just say he skiied a whole lot more than boarded this year. He says he just wants to get better but I say it's because he is whipped! Haha The rest of the week we spend our time sitting next to each other doing our lame homework. But hey that's bonding right?? haha He is graduating in a month with his Accounting degree and then will finish up his CIS degree next fall. ( I know what a nerd, he knows it and I constantly give him a hard time for it). Things are going great for us and I'm always looking forward to what the next day will hold! He is an incredible person and I am blessed to know him and have him in my life!